On Friday, 2013-07-05, Jörg Ehrichs wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> > Shamless self promotion:
> > QML can nicely be used to create QWidget based UIs, even in Qt4.
> > https://conf.kde.org/en/Akademy2013/public/events/20
> Are there some slides/further information available for this?

Not yet :)
I had one slide on that in my FOSDEM presentation on QML outside of QtQuick, 
but it is way to basic to tell you anything interesting

> sadly I
> will not attend Akademy but I'm very interested in this.

There will be slides of my Akademy talk afterwards, though my current plan is 
to do a lot of demos. I'll see what I can do about that.

> The QML Components that are part of Qt5.1 are the last missing things
> for me to try Qml "everywhere". Would be nice if I could try this out
> with Qt4 already.

Declarative Widgets is a quite different approach though. It is less about 
making things look like desktop widgets, it is about using actual desktop 
Basically an alternative to using C++ or QtDesigner XML.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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