On Freitag, 5. Juli 2013 19:34:07 CEST, Kevin Krammer wrote:
On Friday, 2013-07-05, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 07:00:16 PM Kevin Krammer wrote:
Shamless self promotion:
QML can nicely be used to create QWidget based UIs, even in Qt4.

"The goals range from enabling non-C++ programmers to participate in UI
development for traditional desktop applications over making widgets viable
for UI of downloadable extensions to allowing application developers to
have widget based and QtQuick based UIs for the same application while
sharing all of the application's infrastructure."

Suggestions? :)

Comma separated list or even dash enumeration, thus getting rid of gerunds ("thou 
shalt not nounalize verbs")

The goals include/are to
- enable non-C++ programmers to participate in UI development for traditional 
desktop applications
- make widgets viable for downloadable extensions
- have widget and QtQuick based UIs for the same application while sharing all 
other code.


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