On 14/03/2014, at 11:52 PM, Mario Fux KDE ML wrote:

> Am Freitag, 14. März 2014, 09.10:01 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> Morning guys
>>>>> Would you be able to mentor me while I try to get a handle on some of
>>>>> the problems with running KDE apps in an Apple environment? Like my
>>>>> first problem will be why plugins sometimes work and sometimes not,
>>>>> in KDE on Apple OS X.
>>>> Not sure I can really help you since I have no clue but I can sure try.
>>> Well, thank you very much for that, Kevin.  May I write to you privately
>>> to get started?
>> Sure.
> Please use the kde-mac list for information that's of interest for a broader 
> audience. Avoid private mails if not absolutely necessary.

Of course.  If I find anything interesting, with Kevin's help, I will make it
public and the kde-mac list seems a good place.  Depending on what
we find, I might inform other lists where there are people who could
take appropriate action or then again I might file bug reports.

Cheers, Ian W.

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