Hi Thomas and Marko,

I guess I am like the old cow's tail: always running along behind … :-)
Sunday was my final birthday party, actually a triple celebration: my second
son, my daughter and I all have birthdays in the same week.

I had a look at the missing icons issue, but was too tired to post earlier.

On 23/03/2014, at 11:00 PM, mk-li...@email.de wrote:

> On 23 Mar 2014, at 12:09 , Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> kdevelop/app/CMakeLists.txt *does* have
>> kde4_add_app_icon(kdevelop_bin_SRCS 
>> "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../pics/hi*-app-kdevelop.png”)
> Yep, thanks for pointing that out. I forgot option ‘-i’ in my find command 
> call. :-(

I notice there are TWO kde4_add_app_icon() macro refs in that CMakeLists.txt.  
The other
one has no "_bin" in it … seems odd ...

Also there is no kde4_install_icons() there, but I found one in 

>> just as your KDE4_ADD_APP_ICON should likely in the pics subdir, as 
>> kdevelop_SRCS isn't definedanywhere)
> It must have worked to some degree, since the ICNS file contained the image 
> with size 128 pixels.
> Well, although the big icon now exists in there the app still doesn’t show 
> the wanted icon in the doc - as KMyMoney does.
> Something’s still missing.

In the (master) repository for develop/pics at:
I see hiNN-app-kdevelop.png, but only for NN = 16, 32 and 48.  So where did you 
get a
128 icon from, Marko?  Did you make your own?

And, Marko, can you point me to something that will crack one of Apple's ICNS 
files? e.g.
     a) list the contents, icon sizes, etc.
     b) display the icons.
That bit of Appletech is new to me …

Cheers, Ian W.

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