Icon-wise there is progress on my end.

I peeked into kmines’ sources (since it does show its icon properly on MacOSX and has very short source code) ...

… and it turned out that it is important in which order the CMake directives kde4_add_app_icon() and kde4_add_executable() are appearing in CMakeLists.txt.

If kde4_add_app_icon() comes after kde4_add_executable() the ICNS file is NOT generated!

OK, SUCCESS in so far that the application now has it’s proper icon as long as the app is NOT RUNNING.

However, when I now start the application the ICON DISAPPEARS AGAIN and - seemingly - a KDE-generic icon with a question mark appears instead:

I am surprised to see partial success only.

WHY can I see the expected icon when the app isn’t running and why can’t I see the same icon while it is running??

So, obviously the test program fiddles with the ICNS file at startup and restores it when shutting down…
What’s going on there and what can go wrong?

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