El Dissabte, 29 de març de 2014, a les 11:17:45, Vishesh Handa va escriure:
> On Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:47:46 PM Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> > KDE 4.12.95 (Kubuntu 14.04 Beta 2)
> > 
> > Is there work planned for this? because as is, its quite confusing and
> > appears to be missing crucial settings.
> > 
> > All I'm seeing is a "Do not search in these locations' list of folder
> > leaves.
> > 
> > - For a start off, only listing the last section of the directory name
> > will
> > not do. People will have many folders all ending with the same leaf and
> > its
> > impossible to tell them apart with this.
> I disagree. I don't think people will have many different folders with the
> same names. 

That's a very bold statement, i have lots of different folders with different 
parent paths and the same leaf folder name


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