El Dissabte, 29 de març de 2014, a les 21:07:04, Lindsay Mathieson va 
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 11:17:45 AM you wrote:
> > > - A simple black list will not do. I need a white list - the ability to
> > > specify disjoint folders for indexing, not the other way around. And I'm
> > > sure the majority of people will be the same.
> > 
> > What makes you say that?
> The more I think on it, the less useful it is to index the whole machine by
> default. For a start off there is a lot of content that make no sense to
> index - config files, scripts, web apps, all the binaries of course.
> And totally breaks on any machine with multiple user accounts, which is
> actually quite common, both for business and home usage.

Why would it break on multiple user accounts?


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