On , Roney Gomes wrote:
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Ian Wadham <iandw...@gmail.com> wrote:
A subsidiary question. What replaces Konqueror now? Dolphin replaces the file manager functionality, but what is the "official" supported KDE browser?

I guess it is Rekonq.

Why does the web browser seem to be such a low priority in the KDE project? I mean, there isn't even an official browser, and the one closest to being official, has a website which looks like this: http://rekonq.kde.org/ It's not just the website, of course. Rekonq seems to be lacking in many areas - it is nowhere near being a real alternative to Firefox, Chrome, or even epiphany, qupzilla, and a bunch more.

It seems that there's no real focus on the web browser, as opposed to areas such as PIM, IM, and a whole bunch of other things.

I'm not trying to bash anyone, I'm just really wondering about that. Is rekonq good enough for most KDE users (I find that hard to believe)? Is everyone just using Firefox/Chrome?

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