Hi Vishesh,

On 22/04/2014, at 6:18 AM, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 05:52:24 AM Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
>> With regards to whitelisting they are asking for a useful feature to be
>> restored that was was deliberately removed, with no consultation.
> Consultation? Who should I be consulting? Users?

Yes, whenever you can.  Invite them to join design discussions, become
part of the team even.  Try out prototypes of the UI on them.  Even drag in
members of your family if you can find nobody else.  In KDE Games, some
of us even called on our mums and partners and my son certainly helped
me a lot with suggestions.

> How do your propose one 
> reaches a proper demographic of our users and not just the power users?

Difficult.  In KDE, power users tend to dominate IIRC.  Even once I attended
a HIG presentation at Akademy in which several imaginary users were
described that KDE should cater to ("Ferdinand, the Academic User", etc.).
All of them were power users of one kind or another.

At the end I asked, "What about Lisa, the Home User?" and was told that
KDE does not really cater for her.  I was quite shocked.

I think the only way to find a "proper demographic" is for the KDE
community as a whole to organise it (through KDE ev perhaps).  But
I cannot see that ever happening.  Meanwhile a few randomly chosen
non-geek, non-developer people can give you several new ideas and
new ways of looking at things.

You can also conduct an on-line survey.  Again, in KDE Games several years
ago, before KDE 4 came in, one of our number organised a survey on a site
called SurveyMonkey.  The results were very illuminating and guided our
development work for a couple of years at least.

Another idea is to have a look at similar products from other sources and
think how you could improve on them.  Apple released a desktop indexing
product called Spotlight about nine years ago.  Just wander down to an
Apple Store and ask for a demo.  Or you can read all about it online.

> The way we did stuff for the KCM was to design personas, establish use-cases, 
> and then see what amount of configurability best satisfied the personas and 
> use-
> cases we were trying.

I hope you will find my suggestions helpful.

All the best, Ian W.

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