On Thursday 17 of July 2014 01:19:45 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> Hi all, please let's keep future discussion in kde-promo since i think this
> is more a promo related thing than anything.
> A while ago we decided that 4.14 will be the last KDE 4 Applications release
> and that after that we would switch (at least for a while) to application
> releases where applications are either kdelibs4 based or KF5 based (on a
> tarball/repository level).
> Now we need a name for that thing.
>  * We can't call it 4.15 since the 4.x in there for everybody means based in
> kdelibs4.x
>  * We can't call it 5.x since the 5.x in there will make people think all
> apps are KF5.x based
>  * My suggestion is call it "KDE Applications $YEAR.$MONTH", i.e. if we keep
> with the 4 month schedule next release would be "KDE Applications 14.12"
> and next-next "KDE Applications 15.04". It has a small problem if we slip
> the release from one month to another the name changes, but we just have to
> plan all the releases early in the release month so that even if it slips
> it still falls inside the month.
>  * Another possibility would be "KDE Applications 1", that doesn't have the
> problem with the sliping release, but I have to say that I would feel quite
> weird calling our next applications release "KDE Applications 1" :D
> Anyone has another suggestion?
> Do we go with "KDE Applications $YEAR.$MONTH"?

Your suggestions seems to me like a potential problem for packages, since they 
would have to handle upgrade path 4.14 -> (20)14.x -> 5.x (unless you are 
suggesting to stick to YEAR.MONTH versioning for good, in that case please 
ignore me).


> Cheers,
>   Albert
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Daniel Vrátil | dvra...@redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
KDE Desktop Team
Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat

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