On Thursday, July 17, 2014 20:54:57 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El Dimecres, 16 de juliol de 2014, a les 16:50:18,
> grantksupp...@operamail.com
> va escriure:
> > > Anyone has another suggestion?
> > > 
> > > Do we go with "KDE Applications $YEAR.$MONTH"?
> > 
> > YYYY.MM so it's completely obvious?
> > 
> > e.g., 2014.07
> My problem with that is that it's "too long" to write
> 2014.07
> vs
> 14.07
> Is saving two characters in this twitter world. And also those characters
> don't give that much extra information since well basically it's always
> going to be 20XX.
> If everyone wants 20XX i won't be against it but i think it looks worse
> (we're looking for something relative nice looking and catchy here, not for
> something totally obvious)

There are very few things that packagers need from version numbers.  That they 
are monotonically increasing is one of them.  Call it what you want, but 
please don't make it less than 4.14.

Scott K

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