On 30 July 2015 at 14:21, Stefan Derkits <ste...@derkits.at> wrote:

> The use cases still have to be fleshed out ... maybe streaming services
> are more important than ripping CDs? Really hard to say.
> Please join the discussion in the boards and add your ideas there :)

It always struck me as weird that we had 4 separate apps for doing
essentially the same thing: displaying a list of track metadata for
songs belonging to the same album, and then doing something with those
tracks, either editing or playing or ripping or burning them.
Certainly as a user I could never understand why inserting a CD lead
to a different app launching and competing with the MP3 Player for the
audio output. And then if I wanted to rip that CD I then had to go
find another app which also asked to fetch the same metadata. It's a
natural fit, even if ripping doesn't need to be there in v1.0, it's
just adding an extra step on to the CD playing code. Designing the UX
and code with that in mind from the start is important and a lot
easier than tacking it on later, especially for the code side. I don't
think we need to add the Audio CD burning feature though, that time is
mostly past, leave that to K3B :-)

Define streaming services. Like Spotify? Just too complex and almost
impossible to keep up with them all, even if you could access the ones
you want: leave that to bigger apps. Like internet radio stations? Yes
good to have, but a different UX and database backend required than
for the CD/MP3 player side, so not a direct fit into what the VDG
mock-ups show. You essentially have a single track, with the station
taking the role of the album, and the database/management side
basically being a web bookmarks file. More advanced is talking to
directory services like ShoutCast or TuneIn, but again maybe the
myriad of directory services are better left to bigger apps, at least
to start with?

The heart of this new app is easy management of a track database and
playing those tracks in a flexible way. Nail that first, then stuff
like ripping and streaming and device export can come later.

> Not soo sure about that, JuK seems to still use KDE3Support Libraries
> ... porting them to Plasma 5/KF5 could be hard.

Urgh, that's a bit of a surprise, I thought mpyne had cleaned it all
up. At least talk to Michael, he'll be a able to give a lot of good


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