Em 04-09-2015 20:06, Alexander Richardson escreveu:
> Hi Filipe,
> My first idea was to pass an empty string as the argument but that
> doesn't work. However, as a workaround you can use
> kcoreaddons_add_plugin(foo INSTALL_NAMESPACE "." JSON foo.json SOURCES
> ${foo_SRCS})
> Although probably we should try to install as little as possible into
> the plugin directory and instead use specific subdirectories for each
> kind of plugin.

Hi Alex, thanks for your reply. In fact, if I use 'INSTALL_NAMESPACE
"."' it fix my problem, but is it recommended to use that? For example,
is there no problem if I try to build Cantor for other OS using that?

Thanks and best regards;

Filipe Saraiva

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