I don't think kdesrc-build inspects the cmake files to discover deps,
it relies on the project metadata GIT repo instead. So
--include-dependencies only applies to the dependencies discovered
through the project metadata repo, and then only those which
kdesrc-build knows how to build.

Any other dependencies (of which there are *a lot*, e.g. X libs,
graphics libs, sound libs...) require you to break out your package
manager and fetch the development packages. So it's not really like
emerge/portage (or the kde-on-windows clone of that for building KDE
apps on Windows) and rather a lot more like a convenient frontend that
requires either you inspect the cmake files yourself or accept an
initial element of trial and error to discover & install the missing
deps manually.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN
<ovidiu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> În ziua de Wednesday 23 December 2015, la 18:40:36, Aleix Pol a scris:
>> Hello,
>> I've been testing kde-src-builder on a bare system (actually a docker
>> image) and I realized that --include-dependencies isn't doing what I
>> expected [1], which is to actually build and install the repository's
>> dependencies.
>> Can anybody point me out what am I missing? :/
>> That's my configuration file, so far: [2].
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Aleix
>> [1] $ ./kdesrc-build/kdesrc-build --include-dependencies kcompletion
>> * There do not seem to be any modules to build in your configuration.
>> Updating kde-build-metadata (to branch master)
>> * Downloading projects.kde.org project database...
>> Building kcompletion from guessed_from_cmdline (1/1)
>> Updating kcompletion (to branch master)
>> No source update, but the last configure failed
>> Source update complete for kcompletion: no files affected
>> Preparing build system for kcompletion.
>> Removing files in build directory for kcompletion
>> Old build system cleaned, starting new build system.
>> Running cmake...
>> Unable to configure kcompletion with CMake!
>> Unable to configure kcompletion with KDE
>> [2] $ cat .kdesrc-buildrc
>> global
>> branch-group kf5-qt5
>> kdedir ~/kde-5
>> qtdir /usr
>> source-dir ~/kdesrc
>> include-dependencies true
>> end global
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> I have these outside of global. Perhaps they help:
> include src/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-applications-build-include
> include src/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-extragear-build-include
> include src/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-frameworks-build-include
> include src/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-qt5-build-include
> include src/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-kdepim-build-include
> Besides that KSB is a big blur to me. Any doccumentation I've found, it
> seems to me to be obsolete and missleading.
> --
> Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan
> GeekAliens.com
> Kubuntu Romania Representative
> Kubuntu Council Member
>>> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe
>>> <<

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