On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:08:38 PM CET Wolfgang Mader wrote:
> Dear list,
> inspired by the mail concerning the KF5 port status of Okular, I kindly
> want to ask about the KF5 porting effort of Kile. According to the
> portingstatus page[1], Kile should be ready to go. Is there a timeline
> for a KF5 based release?

Hi, AFAIS the porting tasks are essentially done. Yet this is very different 
from saying Kile were in a releasable state :) The main blocker is probably 
that the KF5-version of Okular must be released first. (But since Kile is in 
Extragear there is more flexibility at the release cycles in this regard.)
However, there are currently some bugs in the KF5-based master branch, which 
for me would name the quality somewhat like pre-alpha. And maybe, since I am 
only used to my personal workflows, there are possible more sublte porting bugs 
that still have to be found.
Having a schedule for Okular would be a "must" to start thinking about a 
schedule for Kile IMO.


PS: I am also CC-ing Michel, the Kile maintainer

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