as many of you already know, KDE has a github mirror in place at [1].
I've been playing with travis-ci [2] and I was surprised by how easy to use
and how well integrated with github is.

I think it would be nice to have travis builds for the (mirrored)
repositories that provides a .travis.yml configuration file. The builds
would run on the travis servers, so no additional overload on the KDE
infrastructure. There is also virtually nothing to do for KDE sysadmins.
The project's maintainer is the one in charge to setup the travis
configuration file (if he wants to), in order to have working builds.

Would this be possible from a technical p.o.v.? I think the KDE github
account would have to register on the travis website and "sync" its github
repositories - that's what I had to do with my personal github account.

The use cases could be many. For example, on travis I can install optional
dependencies that are not available on our Jenkins installation. More
details in this post [3].

What do you think?


[1]: https://github.com/KDE
[2]: https://travis-ci.org/

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