Lydia Pintscher composed on 2017-08-20 15:17 (UTC+0200):

> * Appeal to All our Senses: a visually impaired user should be able to
> use all the software produced by KDE;

Put an end to the creation of "situational impairment" described on:
(second paragraph prior to last of article)

Example 1:
KDE (ostensibly justifiably) blames problem on upstream:

[a11y][u7y] kcmshell5 fonts - > Choose (Select Font) initial window size much
too small (DPI>96)

Then upstream it lies fallow:

The font selection dialogs are hardly the only KDE dialogs that open too small
when DPI is >96. It's pretty standard that first action on dialog open in those
environments is (try to) make it bigger so that its content reasonably fits its
window size:
picker window always opens with the left pane so narrow that most entries are
indistinguishable from others <> (cuts off selects)

Example 2:
That screenshot also exhibits too small titlebar icons, resulting from the
multitude of similar systemsettings contexts obfuscating whatever location may
exist for control of those sizes. What is needed is for them to be
/*automatically*/ adjusted larger when display density is >96 DPI. OTOH, whether
due to theming or otherwise, /all/ configurability regarding icon sizing needs
to be consolidated under one umbrella category (e.g. Icons) rather than being
incorporated among components of "Workspace Theme", "Icons", "Application
Style", "Accessibility" and wherever any others may be ensconced.

Example 3:
143 DPI screenshot including it:

This is an example of how web sites generally, and in particular, usurps
needs and preferences of web users through sites' manner of styling. In the
screenshot you can see the mouse pointer pointing to the following CSS rule:

    body {
        font: 13px 'Segoe UI','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Lato',
        'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;...

What that rule does is ensure:
1-the user is unlikely to enjoy seeing his personally optimal font family in use
anywhere on (as can be seen from fc-match in screenshot: Droid Sans).
2-the user is unlikely to be unable to read anything on the page until
applying defensive measure(s) against the offensive behavior that is the CSS
declaration of font sizes in px units. The 13px size employed on can be
seen to be 29.3% of the browser's preferred size (as can be seen in screenshot)
of 24px, 16^2 / 24^2 being the calculation of (physical) size (as opposed to
nominal size, which is the singular length of glyph height) to reach 29.3%.

If you'll open the URL displayed in the screenshot's right side Firefox window,
<>, you'll be able to see an example of
styling that accommodates users settings. Its CSS body text inherits the browser
defaults of both size and family, here, 24px and Droid Sans. FWIW, 24px happens
to equate to 12pt at the 143 DPI display density environment of the Plasma 5
screenshot host. 12pt is the size all virtually all web browsers have
historically shipped with as default, literally 12pt in some (e.g. Internet
Explorer), more often as 16px (e.g. Firefox and Safari), which in *real* world
sizing equates to 12pt @ 96 DPI.

<> as open there in the SeaMonkey
window, can be used, within constraints indicated thereon, to confirm your
browser's font size setting, and the /accuracy/ (which is not necessarily
indicative of suitability) of the DE host's display density configuration.
Simply use a ruler on one of its black blocks to check.

Similar technique can be employed with phabricator-20170820-2600-143.jpg. By
opening it in a viewer that permits it to be arbitrarily resized, you can adjust
its black blocks to measure their indicated width, thus closely emulating the
environment in which it was originated and see it as it was seen, at least WRT
proportions if not details.

There's much to be done to have KDE appeal to users:

1-whose eyesight is poorer than, or preferences different from, those of
software developers

2-who employ larger displays intending to enjoy larger screen objects rather
than fitting more screen objects
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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