
On 23.02.2019 16:56, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
On zaterdag 23 februari 2019 14:49:25 CET Konstantin Kharlamov wrote:

No, you misunderstand me. In the first place, we've got a lot of
people in our community who wouldn't understand a single word of that
paragraph. What they understand is

"A lot" is probably a bit exaggerated, e.g. I don't really know where to upload patches to Phabricator or create a pull request there, but do understand how GitLab works. So I guess we have many different people in the community and many of them can get used to change.

* clone the repo
* hack

* git commit
* git push awesome-feature-branch
* click on the link in the output

* add a bit of text explaining the change
* wait for me or dmitry to look at their patches

One more step for the first creation of a merge request. Not that much different.

They don't have push access to kde's git server at all, so I guess
'git push my-fork HEAD' won't work in any case.

I guess this needs to change (with more fine grained permissions), the whole Merge Request System is based on merging other branches to Master.
Afaik uploading just a patch doesn't work in GitLab.


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