On Saturday, 23 February 2019 21:12:08 GMT Wyatt Childers wrote:
> I'm not an active contributor. I am a developer though, who's employer uses
> gitlab... Not a huge fan. My main complaint is it tends to be slow, and I
> find the UI a little less intuitive. Recently they even broke copy and
> paste site wide on their instance -- which was very frustrating.
> I recently stumbled upon this project: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea
> I would pose it as an alternative that's very familiar feeling to GitHub,
> and written in a much more efficient language (Go vs Ruby), which should
> result in a lower operating cost.
> I want to be clear, I am very appreciative that many projects have been
> working to evaluate GitLab, and I don't think it's the worst option. I just
> wanted to pose this as well to the community as well. More informatively
> than anything else.
> Best,
> Wyatt

Perhaps it's unjustified, but whenever someone mentions Gitea the first thing I 
notice is that *its own developers* host their project on GitHub...

It seems odd to rely on a proprietary service instead of their own product 
that's supposed to be a direct replacement for it, and doesn't imply great 
confidence in the latter.

 - Francis

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