Annoyingly the Snap store doesn't take much information from the Appstream
files and it needs set manually.  That field was unset.  I've changed it to
GPL 3 now but I'll keep poking the Snaps team to fix their store to use the
data source already provided.


On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 17:18, Johnny Jazeix <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed a fresh ubuntu and noticed that the GCompris licence
> in the snap package was "Proprietary". After some search, I think it's
> because it's set to "unset" in the snap package:
> Does anyone know who should I contact to set it to GPLv3+? There is
> also a "Is there a problem with gcompris? Report this app" button that
> I can contact if nobody knows.
> Thanks,
> Johnny

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