On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 10:46 PM Gleb Popov <6year...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 1:36 PM Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> wrote:
>> Good morning Community,
>> I'm pleased to report that this week we reached a major milestone,
>> with all the necessary technical components now being in place on our
>> side for our migration to Gitlab to take place.
>> This includes the replacement of the tooling that supports the anongit
>> network, as well as implementation of a system to sync changes from
>> Identity to Gitlab in real time.
>> As part of this, the anongit network following the migration to Gitlab
>> should pick up new repositories, along with changes to default
>> branches, project descriptions, repository names and their path, and
>> the deletion of repositories within 10 seconds of the change taking
>> place on Gitlab (effectively making it real time)
>> We are currently looking to confirm how repositories will be organised
>> on Gitlab, after which we should be able to confirm how and when we
>> perform the migration.
>> Please note that only code hosting and code review will be
>> transitioning at this time - CI and tasks will follow later on.
>> Existing reviews on Phabricator will not be imported to Gitlab as part
>> of this process and will need to be closed out on Phabricator.
>> To help assist with this, it would be appreciated if all holders of a
>> KDE Developer account could please login on our Gitlab instance (at
>> https://invent.kde.org/) and ensure they are listed as a 'Developer'
>> of the KDE group. You can do this by checking the 'Groups' tab of your
>> Profile on Gitlab.
>> Should you not be listed as a Developer of the group, and you have
>> previously logged into Gitlab, please visit KDE Identity and make a
>> change to your details there, which will trigger a sync of your
>> account to Gitlab.
> Hi Ben, thanks for working on this.

Hi Gleb.

> My account https://invent.kde.org/users/arrowdodger/groups is not in 
> "Developers" group, and changing details on Identity website doesn't seem to 
> trigger any updates on Gitlab.
> While on it, is it still impossible to turn "arrowdodger" into "arrowd"?

The membership is of the 'KDE' group, with the access level of
Developer - which is what I see on your account in this case.

With regards to Developer usernames, that situation hasn't changed i'm afraid.
Things are unlikely to change in this regard until Identity is
replaced and we have the option of different usernames for different


>> Should anyone have any questions on the above, please let us know.
>> Thanks,
>> Ben Cooksley
>> KDE Sysadmin

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