El dissabte, 11 d’abril de 2020, a les 12:46:04 CEST, Gleb Popov va escriure:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 1:36 PM Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Good morning Community,
> >
> > I'm pleased to report that this week we reached a major milestone,
> > with all the necessary technical components now being in place on our
> > side for our migration to Gitlab to take place.
> >
> > This includes the replacement of the tooling that supports the anongit
> > network, as well as implementation of a system to sync changes from
> > Identity to Gitlab in real time.
> >
> > As part of this, the anongit network following the migration to Gitlab
> > should pick up new repositories, along with changes to default
> > branches, project descriptions, repository names and their path, and
> > the deletion of repositories within 10 seconds of the change taking
> > place on Gitlab (effectively making it real time)
> >
> > We are currently looking to confirm how repositories will be organised
> > on Gitlab, after which we should be able to confirm how and when we
> > perform the migration.
> >
> > Please note that only code hosting and code review will be
> > transitioning at this time - CI and tasks will follow later on.
> > Existing reviews on Phabricator will not be imported to Gitlab as part
> > of this process and will need to be closed out on Phabricator.
> >
> > To help assist with this, it would be appreciated if all holders of a
> > KDE Developer account could please login on our Gitlab instance (at
> > https://invent.kde.org/) and ensure they are listed as a 'Developer'
> > of the KDE group. You can do this by checking the 'Groups' tab of your
> > Profile on Gitlab.
> >
> > Should you not be listed as a Developer of the group, and you have
> > previously logged into Gitlab, please visit KDE Identity and make a
> > change to your details there, which will trigger a sync of your
> > account to Gitlab.
> >
> Hi Ben, thanks for working on this.
> My account https://invent.kde.org/users/arrowdodger/groups is not in
> "Developers" group, and changing details on Identity website doesn't seem
> to trigger any updates on Gitlab.

You seem to be in the Developer group to me https://i.imgur.com/XUwvSRX.png


> While on it, is it still impossible to turn "arrowdodger" into "arrowd"?
> > Should anyone have any questions on the above, please let us know.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ben Cooksley
> > KDE Sysadmin
> >

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