On Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2020 09:03:01 CEST Dag wrote:
> mandag den 12. oktober 2020 21.02.31 CEST skrev Johnny Jazeix:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > issue is there:
> > https://invent.kde.org/graphics/kdiagram/-/blob/2.7/src/KChart/CMakeLists.
> > txt#L126 qt5_wrap_cpp(KChart kchart_LIB_SRCS KChartEnums.h) should be
> > qt5_wrap_cpp(kchart_LIB_SRCS KChartEnums.h)
> > 
> > I'm fixing it.
> Thanks for spoting it, my eyesight is ok but my brain takes no notice...
> Mvh Dag

In general, consider enabling all of the CMAKE_AUTO{MOC,RCC,UI} variables and 
then stop using the manual qt5_wrap macros.


Milian Wolff

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