El dimarts, 1 de juny de 2021, a les 21:50:54 (CEST), Nicolás Alvarez va 
> El mar, 1 de jun. de 2021 a la(s) 03:16, Johnny Jazeix
> (jaz...@gmail.com) escribió:
> >
> >
> >
> > Le lun. 31 mai 2021 à 21:47, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> a écrit :
> >>
> >> El dilluns, 31 de maig de 2021, a les 21:22:52 (CEST), Johnny Jazeix va 
> >> escriure:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > French translation team received a bug (
> >> > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=437856) for a translation issue 
> >> > within
> >> > Dolphin.
> >> >
> >> > The issue resides in this code:
> >> > https://invent.kde.org/system/dolphin/-/blob/master/src/kitemviews/kfileitemmodel.cpp#L2182-2194
> >> > where we expect "'Earlier on' MMMM, yyyy" to be translated with something
> >> > like "'translated text' MMMM, yyyy".
> >> >
> >> > In French, we have translated this single quote to French guillemets "«
> >> > translated text » MMMM, yyyy".
> >> >
> >> > Looking at the code, can you confirm it should be kept with single quotes
> >> > instead? If yes, does having a translator comment would help avoiding the
> >> > issue?
> >>
> >> Yes, the code needs ' since it's passed to QDateTime::toString.
> >>
> >> The quotes are not shown to the user, they are used to mark a section as 
> >> "this is text, just pass it though, don't try to do MMM or yyyy 
> >> substitution here".
> >>
> >
> > Thanks for confirming, I've updated it.
> >
> >> Given that the translation comment is already already very long, what 
> >> would you suggest?
> >>
> >
> > "Keep the words between single quotes in single quotes"? I'm not sure if 
> > French is an exception here on changing the single quotes sometimes to 
> > guillemets. If this is the only times we have a bug filled for it, maybe 
> > it's not needed to add a new comment.
> Maybe this should use a comment instead of the translation context,
> since it's getting so long?
> https://api.kde.org/frameworks/ki18n/html/prg_guide.html#ctxt_extc

Why would that be any better?



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