
we are all making progress but the way to notice it can be painful.
Looking at something you created years ago might make you cringe, but that's actually a good sign. It indicates, that you made progress.

KDE is making progress as well. Here the indicator is outdated documentation. There is still quite some documentation from KDE 4 times where the technology documented already moved on to more modern times.

And just as your résumé needs updating once in a while to reflect your newly acquired skills and references, documentation needs updating so it reflects the current state of KDE (as in software, places to communicate, go-to people for all the several parts of the projects, etc.).

I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged or so.

So to let me know, you can send me an email (on- or off-list) and I will create a ticket for it where further discussion can take place. Of course you could theoretically open a ticket yourself but we still need to find the best place for those topics. I will keep you posted on that one. :)

So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
  you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Thanks a bunch. :)


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