On 09/06/2021 18:02, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021, 01:20:23 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:
I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the
topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion
again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged
or so.
So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
    you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Is this an effort with universal scope, or is there a limit?
Obviously you are at least talking about the wikis. Are you also (at the
current time) talking about other websites and/or application handbooks?


... and API docs :)

Ahmad Samir

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