El divendres, 22 de març del 2024, a les 0:37:00 (CEST), Julius Künzel va 
> Hi!
> (This mail goes to multiple lists, please reply to kde-devel)
> With Flathub beeing more strict on its AppStream metadata guidlines [1]
> there is yet another spotlight on AppStream metadata.
> AppStream metadata are consumed by app stores like Flathub, Snapcraft,
> Discover, our scripts to submit apps to the Microsoft Store and last but
> not least by apps.kde.org [2].
> For release info in particular the quality guidelines say: "Make sure all
> your releases have release notes, even minor ones." [3] As I think this
> makes perfectly sense, I like to propose two things that seem straight
> forward to me:
> - We should not remove older releases from the AppStream data as already
> suggested by Carl in a merge request [4].

I'd go for 


> - Also it would be convenient to add noteworthy changes to the metadata
> together with the related code change. However at the moment for KDE Gear
> the release is usually only added to the metadata a few days before
> tagging. Would it be possible to add the next minor release to the release
> branch right after the current one has been released and the next major
> release to master ones the upcoming version has been branched?
> I belive this makes it easier for developers to contribute to the release
> meta info and I hope it hence raises motivation to do so.
> I am happy to hear your opionions, thoughts and concerns!
> Cheers,
> Julius
> [1] https://docs.flathub.org/docs/for-app-authors/metainfo-guidelines
> [2] https://apps.kde.org/
> [3]
> https://docs.flathub.org/docs/for-app-authors/metainfo-guidelines/quality-g
> uidelines/#release-notes [4]
> https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/appstream-metainfo-release-update/-/merge_r
> equests/6
> Julius Künzel
> Volunteer KDE Developer, mainly hacking Kdenlive
> KDE GitLab: www.invent.kde.org/jlskuz https://invent.kde.org/jlskuz
> Matrix: @jlskuz:kde.org https://go.kde.org/matrix/#/@jlskuz:kde.org

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