yurchor added inline comments.


> index.docbook:1332
> +
> +<sect1>
> +<title>How &konsole; Uses Key Bindings</title>

Would it be better to have multiple sect1s (sect2s -> sect1s) in a chapter 
rather than have just one?

> index.docbook:1337
> +<title>Introduction</title>
> +<para>&konsole; uses *.keytab files to translate key combinations into 
> control characters and escape sequences that are sent to the shell or to 
> interactive programs (typically programs that use the Alternate Screen 
> buffer, e.g. vim, less, screen) running in the shell.</para>
> +

e.g. -> &eg;

> index.docbook:1341
> +
> +<para>You can open the Key Bindings Editor from the menu entry 
> <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit Current 
> Profile</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, and going to the 
> <guilabel>Keyboard</guilabel> tab. Listed there are the Key Bindings schemas 
> that come by default with &konsole;.</para>
> +</sect2>

going -> go

> index.docbook:1361
> +
> +<para>A <quote>+</quote> preceding a Mode name means that mode is 
> <emphasis>set</emphasis>; for a modifier key, that means it's pressed, 
> whereas for all other modes it means that particular mode is in effect 
> (<abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> active). For example <quote>+Ctrl</quote> means the 
> key combination will work only if the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key is 
> pressed.</para>
> +

<abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> -> &ie;

> index.docbook:1363
> +
> +<para>A <quote>-</quote> preceding a Mode name means that mode is 
> <emphasis>reset</emphasis>; basically this is the opposite of putting 
> <quote>+</quote> before a Mode name, so for a modifier key that means the key 
> isn't pressed, whereas for all other modes it means that particular mode is 
> inactive. For example <quote>-Ctrl</quote> means the key combination will 
> work only if the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> keys is <emphasis>not</emphasis> 
> pressed.</para>
> +

Ctrl keys _are_ not pressed.

> index.docbook:1405
> +<listitem>
> +<para>The Normal Screen buffer (default): allows you to scroll back to view 
> previous lines of output, this is the default buffer you usually use to 
> execute commands... etc</para>
> +</listitem>

etc -> &etc;

> index.docbook:1408
> +<listitem>
> +<para>The Alternate Screen buffer: the terminal switches to this buffer when 
> you run an interactive program (<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> less, vim, screen, 
> tmux... etc)</para>
> +</listitem>

<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> -> &eg;
less -> <application>less</aplication> same for vim, screen, tmux
etc -> &etc;

> index.docbook:1419
> +<listitem>
> +<para>If this mode is set, the key combination uses a key on the Keypad 
> (Number Pad). This mode is useful to distinguish between keys on the keyboard 
> and keys on the Keypad. For example when Num Lock is <emphasis>on</emphasis> 
> you can configure two separate key combinations, one using the key labelled 
> <quote>1</quote> on the keyboard (usually under the <keycap>F1</keycap> key) 
> and the other using the key labelled <quote>1</quote> on the Keypad. The same 
> concept applies when Num Lock is <emphasis>off</emphasis> for the End, Home, 
> Cursor Keys ...etc on the Keypad</para>
> +</listitem>

etc -> &etc;

> index.docbook:1479
> +<tip>
> +<para>This can be used to send ASCII control characters, 
> <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> <quote>\x00</quote> which is the NUL character</para>
> +</tip>

<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> -> &eg;

  R319 Konsole


To: ahmadsamir, #konsole, hindenburg, yurchor
Cc: ltoscano, kde-doc-english, hindenburg, #konsole, herrold, ngraham

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