nononux marked 11 inline comments as done.
nononux added a comment.

  Thanks for your advices for my first KDE dev. I hope I've taken them into 
account in a good way.


> pino wrote in kateopenselectionplugin.desktop:6-7
> Please do not add translations manually, there is a KDE-wide system to handle 
> them.

I removed all the translations. Is it a dedicated team who do the translations ?

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:59
> In addition to what Yuri said:a better action text, more in line with our HIG 
> [1] is IMHO "Open Selected Path".
> "Opens the selected path" can be a good tooltip or whatsthis text.
> [1]

I've put "Open selected path" as it seems the others texts in my menu doesn't 
have all first letters capitalized.

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:114
> This condition (and the same below for `end`) is hard to read, as it mixes 
> checks and an assignment mid-way.
> A suggestion to make it simpler, and also avoid the duplicated checks is to 
> put the character checks in a small helper:
>   static bool isValidChar(QChar c)
>   {
>     return c != QLatin1Char(' ') && c != QLatin1Char('\t') && c != 
> QLatin1Char('"') && c != QLatin1Char('\'');
>   }
> and thus using it:
>   while (start > 0 && isValidChar( - 1))
> Way more readable IMHO.
> Also, most probably other characters can be excluded from what is a file path 
> -- for example word boundaries, newlines, etc. Check the QChar API 
> documentation to see whether there are character classes that can help here.

Done, I use isSpace() to capture more characters (\n, \r, ...). Maybe it is 
better to put the function in the class as a private function ?

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:134
> Excluding the newline in the code above (see my `isValidChar()` suggestion) 
> can avoid the need to check for newline here.

I think the test should be kept : if a multi-line text is selected, it can 
contain a newline (not removed by the trimmed function).

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:135
> This assumes the string is a local file -- what if under the cursor there is 
> a remote URL?

The name of the function 'fromLocalFile' is a bit ambiguous. The QUrl doc 
( says this function work with 
remote files, with a path starting with //.

  R40 Kate


To: nononux
Cc: dhaumann, pino, yurchor, kwrite-devel, kde-doc-english, gennad, 
fbampaloukas, domson, michaelh, ngraham, demsking, skadinna, cullmann, sars

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