nononux marked 2 inline comments as done.
nononux added inline comments.


> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:58
> This should be "Open Selected Paths"; see 

Ok, changed. In fact, menus are not capitalized in my native language, but they 
are with "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 kate", hence the misunderstanding.

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:134
> This is more general thing to take into account, as I mentioned in another 
> comment: what if the selection contains more than two paths? A space or a 
> newline between them does not make much difference.

It won't open anything if there are more than one path in the selection (the 
file existence test will fail). I don't think it's possible to manage multiple 
paths without doing important assumptions on separators. Maybe you have a good 
idea to manage them ?

> pino wrote in plugin_kateopenselection.cpp:135
> No, QUrl::fromLocalFile() always assumes it is a local file, using a local 
> "file" protocol. The "remote files" mentioned there are simply Qt things, not 
> a general stuff -- it will not handle `` at all.

I changed the code to support http://-like paths.

  R40 Kate


To: nononux
Cc: dhaumann, pino, yurchor, kwrite-devel, kde-doc-english, gennad, 
fbampaloukas, domson, michaelh, ngraham, demsking, skadinna, cullmann, sars

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