ndavis added a comment.

  In D23415#518506 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23415#518506>, @zzag wrote:
  > > Renaming "Maximizing" to "Maximized"
  > "Maximizing" indicates that the placement policy maximizes clients.
  > "Maximized" indicates that the placement policy is maximized itself.
  > Take my words with a grain of salt because I hold a Ph.D degree in Broken 
English. I'd like to be corrected.
  If you're looking at the words that way, you could also say that Maximizing 
might mean that the policy is maximizing itself, but I think it's a pretty big 
stretch to think it's referring to the policy rather than what is being done to 
the windows.
  I don't think a native English speaker would be confused by the wording, but 
if you think non-native English speakers might get confused, that's something 
worth considering.
  >> Renaming "Zero-Cornered" to "Top-Left Corner"
  > Frankly, I don't see any improvements over the old name. The old name is 
confusing but so is the new name.
  For the first name to make any sense, you'd have to know that the top left is 
usually (0, 0) in computer graphics. That's quite technical. With the second 
name, you can assume that windows will appear in the top left  corner. 
Unfortunately, that's not always the case and some apps seem to ignore the 
placement rules.

  R108 KWin

  better-window-placement-text (branched from master)


To: ngraham, #kwin, #vdg, ndavis
Cc: zzag, ndavis, kwin, kde-doc-english, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, 
sbergeron, jraleigh, gennad, fbampaloukas, GB_2, mkulinski, ragreen, 
jackyalcine, Pitel, iodelay, crozbo, bwowk, ZrenBot, ngraham, alexeymin, 
skadinna, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, romangg, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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