> [: Chusslove Illich :]
> While splitting out public methods dealing with translation from KLocale
> [...]

For completeness, also the overview of what I do with other methods (no
comment needed except for objections :):

All translateRaw*() methods are removed. They were used only by
KLocalizedString anyway.

setMainCatalog() and setActiveCatalog() are removed. The former is
practically either a no-op or equivalent to insertCatalog(), and the latter
was used only in about data.

insertCatalog() and removeCatalog() go to KLocalizedString. E.g.
KLocale::global()->insertCatalog() becomes KLocalizedString::insertCatalog()
. This is temporary, later I will remove these two methods too, in favor of
Gettext-like catalog resolution (static resolution for i18n calls in
libraries, dynamic resolution only using single catalog in applications). So
there will be something like KLocalizedString::setApplicationCatalog()
equiv. to Gettext textdomain().

copyCatalogsTo() is removed, it was needed only due to entanglement between
KLocale, KCatalog and KLocalizedString.

removeAcceleratorMarker() goes to KLocalizedString.

toString() methods of KLocalizedString currently need a *KLocale argument.
This would remain using KLocale inheritor, but in the meantime I will comment
them out, and introduce methods taking QStringList &languages instead. This
is needed for disentangling, but also makes sense on its own, so they would
not be only temporary.
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