> [: David Faure :]
> Is it also part of your plans to remove i18n()'s dependency on KLocale?

I consider it rather an orthogonal matter. I will anyway remove all Gettext-
related stuff from KLocale, before doing anything about replacing *gettext()
calls themselves.

> This is what's blocking me now, for extracting a ki18n framework (which I
> then need for the kservice+plugins framework).
> I think I'll let you move ahead on this topic and I'll find another area
> to work on meanwhile, there are plenty :-)

On the other hand, not to stall unnecessarily, maybe it would be better if I
"real soon" factored out i18n as it is into staging/ki18n (possibly
temporarily breaking some internal details, which is no big issue)? And only
then go into what I mentioned before, proposing updated klocalizedstring.h
with new doc, etc. This shouldn't lead to any wasted work, only slightly
changed order of doing it.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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