kossebau added a comment.

  Like @davidre said. Abusing emblem icons would be a not-nice hack, those 
icons serve a different purpose and thus also follow different rules (e.g. 
being able to be painted on top of complex backgrounds).  We want to use icons 
whose names and type are semantically correct, not pick names of icons whose 
current appearance in the Breeze theme comes close to what looks okay.
  Another candidate for the new icons would be e.g. in cells of tables or other 
dense forms where one wants to mark an error/warning/info state 
in-line/in-cell, see e.g. KMyMoney's current usage of some own custom icon:
  F8095290: KMyMoney-cell-warning.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F8095290>

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: kossebau, #vdg, ndavis
Cc: ngraham, davidre, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, 

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