On lundi 21 décembre 2020 07:16:09 CET hanyoung wrote:
> KWeatherCore: https://invent.kde.org/libraries/kweathercore is a library for
> querying weather forecast data. During the development of KWeather, we
> found the need to have a weather library. KWeatherCore is the result of
> extracting weather data fetching code from KWeather. I think having a
> dedicated weather library can serve the following propose: - simplify the
> KWeather code
> - easier to develop a weather daemon
> - potentially less code duplication across KDE

Very interesting. I've been missing such a library 4 years ago when I wrote
a QML app to display the weather on a RPi.

I remember looking at the plasma weather-engine but most of the data sources 
didn't have information about wind, and wind is very very important where I 
live (it's actually blowing up to 105 km/h at the very moment) :)

Feel free to grab any code from qrpiweather that might be useful, BTW.

The backend I ended up using was "Open Weather" (api.openweathermap.org).
But well, that was 4 years ago, things might have changed since :)

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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