On Thursday October 22 2015 18:48:30 Marko Käning wrote:

> have you followed the discussion with Qt's developers regarding the QSP patch 
> [1]?
> If not, I advise you to do a little reading there!
> Qt won’t ever support such an approach, i.e. one would have to patch it, if 
> KDE itself doesn’t
> come with its own provisions for this...

Not exactly, no. The patch was rejected in the presented form, but we were 
invited to file a bug report (I think it's 
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44473). Here we (me, IIRC) managed to 
make the case for special needs by MacPorts and family.
My understanding is that the door is still open for a QSP patch that does not 
alter the default QSP behaviour, which is exactly what my patch does (i.e. it 
requires activation).

> If every single KDE application wants to be self-contained - to be more 
> easily distributable -
> then that’s fine, especially for bigger apps like KMail, DigiKam, Marble, 
> KDEnlive… This would
> perhaps even make a distribution via the App Store possible. ;-)

I highly doubt that KMail could be made self-contained. Kontact *maybe*, but 
that will be one hell of a stunt to pull off, I fear.

> Could it be, that we have to introduce a QSP patch in MacPorts’ qt5-mac to 
> revert back to the
> Linuxy way of XDG paths?

Have you forgotten I'm working on that, and that I actually created a qt5-kde 
port so that (y)our KF5 ports could depend on a port with the required 
patch(es) and install layout?

My QSP patch now comes with a way to include the activation switch via qmake's 
"QT += " mechanism, or as an additional package added via cmake. I hope that 
makes it possible to include it via the ECM macro that declares the required Qt 
module without further modifications.
We'd have to patch each toplevel CMakeLists.txt, but for KDE4 we already did 
that for the documentation, so that's not a big deal.

That means that a single Qt install can provide "native" QSPs, or XDG-ish QSPs 
to binaries that include the activation module.

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