ngraham added a comment.

  @aacid sorry to be unclear.
  To most people, the default button is the one that's visually distinct. In 
Breeze, that generally is the one with a blue background.
  Without this patch, the *actual* default button is virtually 
indistinguishable from other buttons when it doesn't have focus. It looks like 
this, with only a slightly lighter background than the other buttons:
  F5446387: default wrong.png <>
  With the patch, the default button gets focus, so it looks like a default 
button should (IMHO):
  F5446389: default correct.png <>
  IMHO it's more important to put the focus where it will cause the button to 
look correct than on an unrelated UI element.


To: emateli, #frameworks, ngraham, aacid
Cc: ngraham, aacid, #frameworks

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