emateli added a comment.

  @aacid the issue at hand is that in this particular scenario the default 
button more or less equals to the one that has focus.
  There are only 3 types of widgets that can be created here: buttons, a list 
or a check box.
  You can't interact with the list so it is ruled out for being focused. The 
check box acts as a confirmation and thus is a secondary element which you also 
do not want to toggle by mistake, so it rests upon the buttons to have it.
  If any button is to have focus then it might as well be the default one,  
giving it to another button will break the enter button since the focused 
button's handler will be invoked over the default's. 
  This also has the added benefit of allowing to invoke the default action via 
space bar.


To: emateli, #frameworks, ngraham, aacid
Cc: ngraham, aacid, #frameworks

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