emateli added a comment.

  I think this is getting a bit out of hand here. Please try to read my last 
message where I explain why I decided to submit this patch and why I think it's 
a bug (the whole parent widget thing).
  Given the new information on why this occurs the whole focus by force thing 
might not be optimal (although I don't see it as being wrong either), so we can 
check for a solution that perhaps simply fixes the inconsistency when being 
called with a parent and without one.
  This could be easily solvable in Dolphin's repository where this would need 
only one additional parameter to the `createKMessageBox` call, but I still 
thing it belongs to be fixed in the frameworks.


To: emateli, #frameworks, ngraham, aacid, #vdg
Cc: abetts, subdiff, ngraham, aacid, #frameworks

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