dfaure added a comment.

  Relative completions in KUrlCompletion defaults to $HOME but that can be 
configured with KUrlCompletion::setDir.
  Maybe KUrlNavigator should get a setter too, so that apps can set a base 
directory that makes sense to them?
  They have more context for setting a correct base dir (e.g. an image app 
would set the Pictures dir, dolphin can set the currently viewed directory, 
  Note: I am very much against using the working directory (as in 
QDir::currentPath()), because the concept of "working directory" makes little 
sense in most graphical applications (you don't see it, you can't change it...) 
and is just an artefact of how the application was launched. IMHO that's even 
worse than the home dir as base ;-)

  R241 KIO


To: emateli, #frameworks, dfaure
Cc: #frameworks

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