cgiboudeaux added a comment.

  +1. Please add the missing documentation about this new option.


> apol wrote in KDEInstallDirs.cmake:700-704
> Usually isn't necessary as you get the libraries through the rpath. I can add 
> it though.

It won't harm and solve potential issues if for any reason the rpath is removed

> apol wrote in KDEInstallDirs.cmake:707
> I wouldn't expect distros to pick this up, distros usually operate 
> exclusively on /usr. If for some reason they did, they can always get this 
> file in from a separate package that only installs this file.
> It's the right location though, because all projects in the same prefix will 
> need this variables in the same way.

Allright. just add the PERMISSIONS keyword to make it executable.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: apol, #frameworks
Cc: cgiboudeaux, #build_system

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