ngraham added a comment.

  In D12538#254764 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > Given the concerns with selection markers in single-select mode and thus 
for Save in general, and them being potentially far off in the future, can we 
think about changing this patch to double-click to overwrite, so single-click 
would still allow to append `_2` to the filename, a likely more common 
operation? Users who set click behaviour to double click everywhere would not 
be affected by this change at all!
  > (And please think twice before making this discussion about a general 
single vs. double click debate again; I'm trying to improve single click to 
make more sense for the common use cases here, as we agreed upon as a sensible 
direction. Thanks ;)
  Makes sense. I'll let you be the judge of what behavior makes the most sense 
for single-click, since I don't use it. However to maybe set the record 
straight: I don't hate single-click; in fact, I love it conceptually! I'm very 
interested in improving the UX, particularly regarding ease-of-use with 
selections. If reverting to double-click makes sense here for usability, then 
let's do it.
  In D12538#254782 <>, @anemeth wrote:
  > @rkflx thanks for digging through those old commits.
  >  I added that code again, but for saving only.
  >  Unfortunately I could not test it with single click because the setting 
has vanished (??)
  Yep, see
  Hopefully Roman will fix this soon. In the meantime, you'll have to toggle it 
by editing `kate ~/.config/kdeglobals`; add `SingleClick=(true|false)` to the 
`[KDE]` section.

  R241 KIO

  doubleclick_save (branched from master)


To: anemeth, #frameworks, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: rkflx, broulik, jtamate, ngraham, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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