ngraham added a comment.

  To back up a bit, the issue is that we currently have no TextField with has 
the following characteristics:
  1. Has built-in functionality for clear and password reveal buttons, so each 
client doesn't need to re-invent the wheel (PC2 one has this, PC3, QQC1, and 
QQC2 ones do not)
  2. Placeholder text looks good with fractional scale factors (PC3 and QQC2 
ones have this, PC2 and QQC1 ones do not)
  My approach with this patch was to try to port the missing features to the 
PC3 TextField to solve #1, but maybe that's not the right approach? Do you have 
any suggestions for how we resolve the issue?

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: ngraham, #plasma, mart, davidedmundson
Cc: safaalfulaij, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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