trickyricky26 planned changes to this revision.
trickyricky26 added a comment.

  1. You're absolutely right about that, don't know how I missed this. With the 
correct naming, should the arrows still point to the end with longer lines?
  2. They are sorted, but some lines were shortened to make room for the arrow 
so it could stay in the bottom right. Earlier I had a design with the arrows 
moved to the top in the ascending version (I have edited the comment to have 
correct naming):
  In D16905#360495 <>, @trickyricky26 
  > This is how the set looks with the arrows above the lines in the ascending 
  > | size              | `view-sort` | `view-sort-descending` | 
`view-sort-ascending` |
  > | ----------------- | ----------- | ---------------------- | 
--------------------- |
  > | `16px`            | F6427148: view-sort-16.svg.png 
<>           | F6427145: 
view-sort-16-ascending.svg.png <>           
           | F6427205: view-sort-16-descending-alt.svg.png 
<>                     |
  > | `22px` and `24px` | F6427153: view-sort-22.svg.png 
<>           | F6427155: 
view-sort-22-ascending.svg.png <>           
           | F6427208: view-sort-22-descending-alt.svg.png 
<>                     |
  > | `32px`            | F6427177: view-sort-32.svg.png 
<>           | F6427162: 
view-sort-32-ascending.svg.png <>           
           | F6427210: view-sort-32-descending-alt.svg.png 
<>                     |
  > |
  Do you feel these are less confusing?

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: trickyricky26, #vdg, #breeze, ndavis
Cc: emateli, ndavis, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns

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