trickyricky26 added a comment.

  I am sure that in ascending, the lines get longer further down (representing 
larger file sizes etc.). The thing I am not quite sure about is the direction 
of the arrows.
  In D16905#360524 <>, @cfeck wrote:
  > On lists that are sorted alphabetically A-Z (i.e. ascending), the first 
item is at the top, the last at the bottom. That's why user interfaces show an 
arrow pointing down; they show the direction of item "flow".
  According to this, on ascending (alphabetically a-z) sorted lists, the arrows 
points downwards to indicate the flow. 
  If this is correct, the new icons show the correct arrow direction, while the 
existing alphabetical sorting icons have this backwards.
  Perhaps they need to be changed in that regard, however I think this might be 
beyond the scope of this revision.
  Looking around the internet, quite some icons have arrows always pointing 
downwards, regardless of the sorting direction; I think this is the worst 
solution as the arrow does not provide any meaning.
  The La Capitaine icons have the same alphabetic icons as we do with the arrow 
pointing upwards in ascending versions; their generic sorting icons have the 
arrow pointing downwards in ascending versions.

  R266 Breeze Icons

  add-sort-options-icon (branched from master)


To: trickyricky26, #vdg, #breeze, ndavis
Cc: cfeck, emateli, ndavis, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns

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