abalaji added a comment.

  Added a couple inline comments for you to address. Also, please use four 
spaces instead of tabs, and keep the spacing consistent (spaces around `+`, 
space between `if ()` and the `{). I have yet to run and test this, but if you 
check the comment on the left side of the diff, I wonder if just removing that 
`.toLower()` is enough.


> batchrenamejob.cpp:62
>          QSet<QString> extensions;
> -        QMimeDatabase db;
> +     const QString dot = QString::fromStdString(".");
>          foreach (const QUrl &url, m_srcList) {

You can just `QString dot = "."`, but you should use a single character instead 
of a string, since it's just a single character

> batchrenamejob.cpp:64
>          foreach (const QUrl &url, m_srcList) {
> -            const QString extension = 
> db.suffixForFileName(url.toDisplayString().toLower());
>              if (extensions.contains(extension)) {

I wonder if just getting rid of `.toLower()` fixes this bug

> batchrenamejob.cpp:68
> +         //If the oldFileName contains a '.' then its extension is all to 
> the right of the last dot
> +         if (urlStr.contains(dot)){
> +             extension = urlStr.mid(urlStr.lastIndexOf(dot)+1);

Rather than using `contains` here, you can just use `lastIndexOf`, check if 
it's not `-1`, and go from there. Just simply `urlStr.lastIndexOf('.')`.

> batchrenamejob.cpp:179
> +
> +     const QString dot = QString::fromStdString(".");
> +     const QString oldFileName = oldUrl.fileName();

Same as above

> batchrenamejob.cpp:184
> +     //If the oldFileName contains a '.' then its extension is all to the 
> right of the last dot
> +     if (oldFileName.contains(dot)){
> +             extension = oldFileName.mid(oldFileName.lastIndexOf(dot)+1);

Same as above

  R241 KIO


To: cfoster, #dolphin, #frameworks, abalaji
Cc: chinmoyr, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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