cfoster added inline comments.


> abalaji wrote in batchrenamejob.cpp:62
> You can just `QString dot = "."`, but you should use a single character 
> instead of a string, since it's just a single character

Without the fromStdString() I get the following compilation error.

src/core/batchrenamejob.cpp:64:15: error: 'QString::QString(const char*)' is 
private within this context

  QString dot= ".";

I must admit I don't fully understand the compilation error however adding 
fromStdString seemed the most reasonable way to fix it.

> abalaji wrote in batchrenamejob.cpp:64
> I wonder if just getting rid of `.toLower()` fixes this bug

I tested just removing the .toLower() however this didn't fix it. It seems that 
QMimeDatabase::suffixForFileName() converts it to lower case unless I 
overlooked something. See the code snippet below.

I tested this with the following lines in a standalone program:
QMimeDatabase db;
QUrl url = (QString) "foo.TXT";
const QString extension = db.suffixForFileName(url.toDisplayString());
qDebug(qUtf8Printable(extension)); //Outputs "txt"

> abalaji wrote in batchrenamejob.cpp:68
> Rather than using `contains` here, you can just use `lastIndexOf`, check if 
> it's not `-1`, and go from there. Just simply `urlStr.lastIndexOf('.')`.

Fair point will do.

  R241 KIO


To: cfoster, #dolphin, #frameworks, abalaji
Cc: chinmoyr, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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