kossebau added inline comments.


> dfaure wrote in kactioncollection.h:314
> Taking this from the other side: warnings when connecting to deprecated 
> signals actually work. They happen in check_and_warn_compat in qobject.cpp
> ... this does support warning about connecting to compat slots, so my comment 
> was bogus, this is fine.
> For the usual case, compat signals, the code checks `signal.attributes() & 
> QMetaMethod::Compatibility`.
> Ah and I found where `MethodCompatibility` (which has the value 0x10) is 
> actually set...
> the generated moc code says
>   6,    2,   89,    2, 0x06 /* Public */,
>   8,    2,   94,    2, 0x16 /* Public | MethodCompatibility */,
> See the second line, it has the 0x10 value in there, which means 
> `MethodCompatibility` is set.... by value, not by name.
> I'm just still a bit confused about the relation between the 0x10 metaobject 
> flag and the signal attribute which has value 0x1...
>   enum Attributes { Compatibility = 0x1, Cloned = 0x2, Scriptable = 0x4 };
> But it must work, tst_qobject.cpp tests that QT_MOC_COMPAT ends up setting 
> `QMetaMethod::Compatibility` in attributes().
> Anyhow, I still believe that using the *_DEPRECATED macro on a signal only 
> makes sense if we want to prevent subclasses from emitting the signal. 
> Theoretical possibility, extremely unlikely for KActionCollection, but... why 
> not. We can do this consistently everywhere without the need to consider the 
> likeliness of subclasses, I suppose.

Okay, so "QT_MOC_COMPAT" is still a (just undocumented) thing, and thus 
something we should use for deprecated signal/slots then as before, right?

Had now another look based on your info, and found that the magic to map 0x10 
onto 0x1 happens in the getter of the method attributes:

  int QMetaMethod::attributes() const
      if (!mobj)
          return false;
      return ((mobj->d.data[handle + 4])>>4);

So that mystery seems solved :)

For adding deprecation attributes via _DEPRECATED to signals, yes, would agree 
to do this consistently then, following your argumentation. Will add this to 
the howtodeprecateallkindsofapi text I yet have to write, so far delayed to 
first gather experience.

  R263 KXmlGui



To: kossebau, #frameworks, dfaure, mlaurent
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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