meven planned changes to this revision.
meven added a comment.

  In D25010#556237 <>, @dfaure wrote:
  > If you change the actual values being sent to kioslaves, then this breaks 
the "wire protocol". I.e. after upgrading KF5 on a live system, kioslaves 
(started by kdeinit5 forking the "old" libkiocore) will receive numbers from 
newly started apps (which link to the "new" libkiocore), that they won't 
understand. Of course a simple `kdeinit5` in a terminal would fix that, but 
most users don't know that. (One idea that has been floating around is to 
detect changes to and other dependencies and auto-restart kdeinit 
when these libs are changed... But, hmm, then already-running apps will send 
old values to newly started kioslaves, problem again).
  Thank you for reminding me of this concern.
  > One solution is to make the enum actually use the old values (0, 2, 3) by 
doing careful mapping. That's what I thought we would do, but I see you went 
for a more flexible approach where apps can pick the exact groups of fields 
they want.
  > So another solution would be to use a different metadata key and send the 
old key (with the old value, at least a close approximation of it) for 
compatibility purposes.
  That's the solution I would prefer : it would allow me to add a "TODO KF6 
remove to the old metadata key", breaking the wire format should be fine then, 
so we end up with the best state for KF6.
  Next items:
  - Add compatibility to older KIO version on the wire
  - match the flags to statx flags to avoid paying for unwanted fields down to 
the syscall.


> statjob.h:53
> +        /// Filename, access, type, size, linkdest
> +        Basic = 0x1,
> +        /// uid, gid

I am open to suggestion here :

1. Should it be more granular ?

2. Are names KIO-ish ?

@kossebau :

> On a first look, the names seems very short & generic to me, having some 
> other name element might avoid semantic collisions perhaps. No idea yet, not 
> looked further.

> dfaure wrote in file.cpp:896
> Did you know you can just write `if (details & KIO::StatJob::Basic)`?
> This is more C++-like, which is probably more future-proof if one day don't 
> use QFlags anymore for these types of things.
> Or did you use testFlag() for a specific reason?

I used testFlag because i was documented, and I still have to familiar myself 
with C/C++.

> dfaure wrote in listjobtest.cpp:44
> It's a bit weird to use a StatJob enum in the ListJob class. But then again, 
> it is about the stat() done by listing.... So this is OK, I guess.

> Does KIO::DefaultDetails make sense beyond stat in the KIO namespace? How 
> does it match other similar flags?

It was @kossebau concern as well.

I am open to suggestion to improve on that, maybe this enum should be in KIO 
namespace ?
In the meantime, it was what was made the most sense to me.

  R241 KIO


To: meven, #frameworks, dfaure, kossebau
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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