i Guys

Thanks in advance - for some help here -- I could sure use some.

I am hoping someone could help me along a bit here.

As my recent posts show I started with quite a number of kde problems
since the upgrade to 4.3.5.

They were:
1. kde4 failed to load properly. Solved by first inserting the new path for
startkde in xinitrc then by deinstalling, recompiling and reinstalling
soprano and oxygen-icons. Then recompiling kdebase4-runtime.
2. kde keyboard would not function. Solved by deleting

3. I am left with

Total system crash in the following scenario.

(a) User logs in
(b) startx
(c) kde4 loads and use works the session
(d) user logs out x session terminates.
(e) user attempts to start a new x seession with:
(f) startx
(g) system crashes

Necesaary to reboot the system in single user mode, run fsck -y and then
bring the system up multi-user!!

Does anyone have any ideas about this one??

Freebsd 7.2 p3 amd64 on intel quad core

Thanks in advance


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